
Terror in the Cross.

I'm all for renovating the Kings Cross train station but this is a little extreme...
It appears that some Sydney newspapers have been reporting that a terrorist plot to blow up Kings Cross train station has been thwarted with the arrest of two terrorist siblings in Yemen. However, NSW counter terrorism commander Nick Kaldas stated that the story is a "Beat up". (See SMH link) It appears that it wasn't the two terrorist brothers who planned to blow up the K.X train station but another fanatical terrorist. Very reassuring.

To further reassure us that the NSW police are prepared he stated, "There is no need for alarm. As they say, you don't learn to dance on the day of the wedding, so we exercise [with all counter terrorism agencies] regularly."- cops dancing with cops is a scary image.

I feel this will not deter most Cross folk from enjoying one of the tangible benefits of living in K.X, a two minute train ride to the city. I for one won't be backing down and taking the frustratingly, meandering 311 bus- life's too short.


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Anonymous said...
