
Boo Zoo

I went to University in the early 90's. The Wimins group on my campus were extremely active. It was the summer of Riot Grrl. Teams of passionate women roamed around Sydney defacing sexist advertising. Political correctness was everywhere. "He OR She" or even "She or He" came into the vernacular. They called it a second wave of Feminism...

A decade later I spy this poster for a men's magazine. The poster features a competition to "win your girlfriend a boob job". Ten years or so ago the Riot Grrls I knew would have torn this magazines editor a new arse-hole. Instead, silence...

Surely this is going too far? I am scanning the horizon but the ocean seems flat. Where is the next wave?


Gavin Heaton said...

I know what you mean ... in some ways it makes me feel like I am old -- that perhaps I am just not understanding the shift of "acceptable" behaviour in the 2000s. But mostly I just wonder what happened to a broader, more tolerant and respectable world that I thought I lived in. It is a much more conservative world these days and we are worse off because of it.

Sebastian Goldspink said...

I agree. There was one summer in the mid 90's where everything felt perfect...