
Perez Sayz...

Gay-Latino-celebrity-superstar-blogger Perez Hilton just posted on a huge story going on down under- The arrest of Ben Cousins, Australian Rules Football star. It is alleged that Ben was pulled over by the PoPo for driving erratically. Then he was allegedly found in the possession of drugs. Hilton was more interested in B.C's arrest video which featured the buff star bare chested. It appears he went driving (high and badly) without a shirt...After a history of off field incidents it seems that his career is over, Cousins' that is, not Hilton...

1 comment:

Padfoot said...

God knows I wish Hilton's career was over. Anyways...I'm shocked that actual people read my blog, because until now I pretty much thought it was a computer error.

And about the title: I know, right?